The square and opposition are stressful aspects, and the repetition will significantly increase the pressure felt during this retrograde. Mercury repeats two very difficult aspects during this retrograde, making three squares to Saturn in Capricorn from Libra and three oppositions to Uranus in Taurus from Scorpio. November 10: Mercury at maximum elongation (begins to speed up)ĭecember 1: Mercury leaves Scorpio Mercury retrograde in Scorpio meaning November 3: Mercury stations direct at 25★4’ Libra October 25: Mercury conjunct the sun (closest to Earth) October 14: Mercury stations retrograde at 11☄0’ Scorpio October 1: Mercury at maximum elongation (begins to slow down) Mercury retrograde in Scorpio 2020-Astrological aspects This year’s retrograde station is in the same degree as last year’s direct station, so this could mean that themes from last year’s retrograde carry through to this year-particularly for those with planets near 11-12° Scorpio. And since Scorpio is a water sign, this is often accompanied by deep penetrating emotional clarity. So, this is still a rarer kind of Mercury retrograde, with a chance to zoom into something much more closely than usual.

And although Mercury doesn’t cross right through the very heart of the sun this time (like last year’s “transit of Mercury”), Mercury is still much closer to the sun during this retrograde than most. Like a hiker traversing a mountain via a “switch-back” trail, Mercury does a zig-zag from below to above the ecliptic in this part of the zodiac-crossing the ecliptic near the middle.

Since Scorpio is the location of Mercury’s north node, this is one of only two signs (along with Taurus, the location of Mercury’s south node) where Mercury will actually cross the ecliptic plane while in retrograde motion. In all the other loops, Mercury crosses the ecliptic before and after actual retrograde motion and makes a wide foray away from the ecliptic during the actual retrograde. Of all the looping wandering journeys Mercury takes during its various retrogrades, its journey through Scorpio is the most relatively straight-forward and symmetric. Read on for a look at how each zodiac sign can thrive once Mercury is in retrograde no more.Mercury stations retrograde on October 13 at 11☄0 Scorpio, and it stations direct on November 3 at 25★4 Libra. So now that you know what to expect, let’s get into the details sign by sign. The post-shadow of a retrograde is generally a time for the final tying up of loose ends, especially anything left outstanding during the actual retrograde period. You should also prepare to finally find solutions to the problems that plagued you during Mercury retrograde, especially between July 12 and 26 when we are still in the elusive Mercury retrograde shadow time period, recently nicknamed ~Retroshade~. Transportation and travel should be filled with less hiccups and technological failures should diminish greatly, too. Say bye-bye to lost emails or accidental CCs instead of BCCs.
Hopefully you leaned in and heeded some of the lessons Mercury was pushing over the last few weeks- Did you get any better at noticing details? Did your communication with others improve? Did you remember to press Save multiple times while working on a project? If so, yay for you! If not, don’t worry-Mercury takes another nap on October 13.Īll that said, now that you know it’s time for forward momentum to begin, the big question is how will you feel over the next few days as retrograde winds down? Relieved, that’s for sure! When Mercury is direct and running at full speed again on July 26, you should not have too many obstacles when comes to communicating efficiently. And now, for the best news you’ve heard in weeks: Mercury retrograde is ending on July 12, 2020! Finally, the planet of communication, technology and transportation is awakening from his three-week-long nap to help you make the forward progression that you’ve so dearly missed.