The age of steam has passed and now, oil leads the way as humanity’s newest salvation. The story trailer for Frostpunk: Console Edition gives a vague idea of the gaming treat that PlayStation 4 and Xbox One users are in for. Frostpunk 2 is the sequel to the highly acclaimed society survival game. It soon becomes genuinely upsetting every time you hear a bell toll because an inhabitant died. This can go from simple choices such as making work shifts longer, to ethic-tearing brutality by ordering children to work in bitterly cold coal pits or putting sawdust in meals to make food rations last longer. Survivors of the storm have to work long hours in precarious conditions, while the player makes all-important decisions to ensure the survival of the city. Frostpunk 2 is the sequel to the highly acclaimed, BAFTA-nominated society survival game that blended city building, strategy and management gameplay, creating a brand new genre. Players take on the role of a leader in an alternate-history late.

Das eiskalte Aufbau-Highlight Frostpunk bekommt einen ambitionierten Nachfolger: Frostpunk 2 spielt 30 Jahre nach dem Vorgänger. Frostpunk is a city-building survival videogame developed and published by 11 bit studios. In the game, players have to build up a city with the help of an all-important steam generator. Frostpunk 2: Die Fortsetzung zum Aufbau-Hit verspricht Großes. The plan to release a console version of Frostpunk was announced back in April, and a recent story trailer for the game has revealed that this particular edition will be released on October 11. Now, 11 bit studios is preparing to release Frostpunk: Console Edition so PlayStation 4 and Xbox One owners can enjoy some of the action. The game was released by the Polish developer in 2018 and ended up being a considerable hit, selling over a million copies and receiving praise for its immersive gameplay, difficult but rewarding learning curve, and the effective audio and visuals. Frostpunk 2 will see players once again taking the role of the leader of a resource-hungry metropolis after a catastrophic climate change, which has left the whole planet frozen in the perpetual arctic cold. Frostpunk from 11 bit studios is set in a steampunk-inspired world that has been destroyed by a surprise frost, hence the title’s name.